Shay was born on 13th June 2023. Katie H. collected him from My Canine Companion on 24th August and he has been living with her since then. He has been working hard at his puppy training since then with some of his siblings- Séanie, Stanley, Simon, Sloane and Sadie. He attends school each day and is getting to know all of his lovely friends at CETNS. He has had an eventful month:

  • He started school
  • He made more than 200 friends
  • He visited the Vet at Paw Paws
  • He learned how to walk up and down the stairs safely
  • He visited UCC twice
  • He went to Mahon Point
  • He walked around Blackpool Shopping Centre
  • He has been in 2 lifts
  • He learned how to sit safely in the car
  • He attended Assembly
  • He attended the School Open Night
  • He has been at lots of parent/teacher meetings!
  • He got his training vest

Shay is making great progress and is looking forward to spending some time in the classrooms and on the yard when he is ready. If you meet Jonathan or Katie H. with Shay around the school the best thing you can do to help is ignore him- I know that’s very difficult because he is very cute- but he will make faster progress in his training if we all do this!