Expression Of Interest Expression of Interest Expression of Interest Child's Details Child's First Name * Child's Last Name * Date of Birth * School Year for Pre-enrolment * 202620272028 Class * Junior InfantsSenior InfantsFirst ClassSecond ClassThird ClassForth ClassFifth ClassSixth Class Junior Infant parents See Terms & Conditions for Pre-Enrolment Checkboxes * I can confirm my child will be aged 4 by the start of the academic year they are due to begin Junior Infants Parent/Guardian Details First Name * Last Name * Address * Eircode * Email * Phone * May we contact you with updates? * Cork Educate Together National School would like to send you updates about our work from time to time. If you do not wish to receive this information please tick this box. Admissions Policy * I understand that completing this form does not guarantee my child a place in the school. I understand that I will be contacted when the enrolment process is open and will need to complete a formal application then. Places will be offered in accordance with the guidelines of the forthcoming Admissions Policy. Email Email Email Email Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ